Das GamesLab der UPB

The GamesLab at the University of Paderborn is a centre for video game development and gaming culture at the University of Paderborn. It is led by Prof. Dr. Christian Fuchs from Department the Media Studies. The Department, the IMT, and a student organisation team together organise the GamesLab that is situated in room N5.216. It is equipped with powerful PCs, software, graphics tablets, headphones, whiteboards, VR peripherals and a pleasant atmosphere, which students use for developing computer game prototypes. Work in the GamesLab is organised as a module on computer game development that runs over two semester and is attended by students from a range of fields of study such as Media Studies, Informatics, Arts, Music, and many more.

Contact us via our email: gameslab@uni-paderborn.de

(Kopie 1)

Unsere Seminare

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GameJam Projekte

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Teach­ing about Com­puter and Video Game De­vel­op­ment in the GamesLab

In the winter semester, students work in teams, so-called “departments”. The departments specialise in 2D Arts, 3D Arts, Audio, Coding, and Game Design. In weekly workshops, the students learn all the basic knowledge of the area, the software used, and teamwork. At the end, there is a game jam in which the departments come together and put their skills to the test. A functioning small video game is created within a short period of time.

The work in the summer semester builds onto the winter semester. One or more larger-scale video games that go beyond a prototype are being developed.

Their participation in teaching in the GamesLab gives students practical media experience helps them practice  nterdisciplinarity, and provides experience in teamwork and game development as a basis for the professional world. Students also have access to a large number of consoles and video games.


Summer semester 2022: Students developed three computer game prototypes

Check out our new project results!

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The GamesLab in the 2022/2023 academic year: The development of BossCrawl

Check out our new project results!

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The GamesLab in WDR Lokalzeit

We're on TV! After many years, the GamesLab has now made it onto television.

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Fea­tured Games

Lu­mi­nas Di­lemma

Die Luminas folgen dem Licht. Wie kannst du so alle Luminas aus dem Raum retten?

Penny To The Sky

Schleudere dich mit deiner Münze bis nach ganz oben, aber pass auf, dass du sie dabei nicht verlierst!


Du bist in einem dunklen Raum gefangen. Nutze deine Sinne, um zu entkommen!

The GamesLab

The GamesLab’s room is N5.216. It houses a total of 20 computers that can be used by participants to work on the seminar. Department-specific computer stations also have additional equipment. You can also buy drinks and snacks directly in the lab, saving you the trip to the cafeteria.
