Un­ser Sem­in­ar – "Pro­jekt­man­age­ment in der Com­puter- und Video­spielindus­trie"

Das jährlich wiederkehrende Seminar "Projektmanagement in der Computer- und Videospielindustrie" im GamesLab ermöglicht den Studierenden medienpraktische Erfahrungen in Teamarbeit und Spieleentwicklung als Basis für die Berufswelt.

Hier kommen Studierende vor allem aus den Studiengängen Medienwissenschaften, Informatik und Populäre Musik und Medien zusammen und arbeiten interdisziplinär am Projekt. Der Kurs ist aber auch offen für alle anderen Studiengänge.

Our sem­in­ar

The seminar begins in the first week of the winter semester with a kick-off in which the course of the seminar is explained. Students should definitely be there because innovations and improvements are made to the seminar every semester. Shortly afterwards, you will choose a department (2D Arts, 3D Arts, Audio, Coding, Game Design) and meet with your department group in weekly workshops. The workshops are led by a group of students (the “orga”-team) who have a lot of previous experience in the departments and try to create a pleasant atmosphere for learning and exchange. In the workshops, weekly home exercises are provided that must be completed by all students for successful completion of the module. There are also individual workshops that span the departments to clarify the workflow between the departments.

De­part­ments und Work­shops

Die Workshops werden von der „Orga“ geleitet, einer Gruppe aus Studierenden, die viel Vorerfahrung in den Departments vorweisen können und versuchen, eine angenehme Atmosphäre zum Lernen und zum Austausch zu erschaffen. Passend zu dem Workshop werden wöchentliche Hausübungen gestellt, die für die AQT bearbeitet werden müssen. Es kommt zusätzlich zu einzelnen Workshops, die die Departments übergreifen, um den Workflow zwischen den Departments zu verdeutlichen.

2D Art Department

Learn more

3D Art Department

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Audio Department

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Coding Department

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Game Design Department

Learn more

After all workshops have been completed, preparations for a final game jam begin: All participants submit a game suggestion. The best ones are then selected from these game suggestions and put up for election. Depending on the game, the students assign themselves to a team made up of all departments. The game jam then takes place, usually over a weekend and during which all teams meet on site in the GamesLab and work on their games together. In the last seminar of the semester, each team presents the game they have developed to all other participants.

The summer semester also starts with a kick-off meeting. It is assumed that the participants can demonstrate knowledge from the first semester in order to then successfully participate in one of several large projects in the summer semester. The groups are now larger and meet weekly to discuss development progress, workflow, and current problems. The development is simultaneously overseen by the organisation team. At the end of the semester, the students will have produced a game with more gameplay and features than in the first semester. The final result will also be presented to the other course participants at the last seminar date. Particularly good video games are published.


The usual ECTS credits are 3 for successful participation (“AQT”: active qualified participation, “aktive qualifizierte Teilnahme”) and 6 for successful participation with a marked component. More ECTS points are possible for students who complete the class as part of a media practice module.

In Paderborn University’s online system PAUL (https://paul.uni-paderborn.de/) , the seminar in the field of media studies can be selected under the names “Project Management in the Computer and Video Game Industry 1” in the winter semester and “Project Management in the Computer and Video Game Industry 2” in the summer semester. If you cannot find the seminar, please contact your responsible examination office.

The 2D Arts, 3D Arts, Audio, Coding and Game Design workshops usually take place Monday to Friday from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. or 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. For organisational reasons, the final dates will only be announced on the first seminar date. We will still try to find a date where everyone has time so that you can visit your desired department.

Yes, very much! The course is open to all skill levels. We have participants who are starting from scratch, as well as those who participate repeatedly or people who already have more experience through computer games (development) as a hobby. In the course you will learn all the basics to be able to participate successfully and also how you can integrate your personal strengths into a mixed team.

Basically not, as it is a two-semester seminar that requires the knowledge and skills from the first semester. However, in individual cases we make exceptions. To see if that’s possible, please contact gameslab@uni-paderborn.de

At the top of the N building in room N5.216.

Opening times will be announced on the GamesLab Discord. In addition, you will find many other important news regarding the seminar there. The link to the Discord is https://discordapp.com/invite/b3gJjKd